Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Personal Goal Activity 3

Personal Goal Activity 3

Q Task: Activity Three (2.5 points) Locating Resources – Based on your personal goal, you are to locate informational resources that will support you in achieving your goal. Locate at least two resources from the following categories for six (6) resources: Internet Published Print (book, magazine, pamphlet) – this cannot be a resource available to public online. eBook is fine, because you will need a library card or online bookstore account to access. Organization or Professionals, such as a health clinic for health-related goals or a financial service organization for financial goals. Look for brochures, pamphlets, or other written information provided by these organizations or professionals. Provide in writing (1-2 pages) a detailed list of the resources you found and where you found them, a brief overview of the information that was available, and a description of the experience you went through locating these resources (i.e., were the resources readily available; did you know where to go to find the resources; were resource providers willing to assist you in providing the information).?

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The resources are needed in order to make an in-depth analysis of the personal goal activities. Several resources have been used for analyzing and determining my personal goal activities also. My personal goal is to spend more time with my family members and friends. Therefore, I have identified that the following resources are perfect for completing my goal. All of these resources are unique and interesting.